GTA Sanandreas Cheats for Pc games

GTA Sanandreas Codes Cheats

Codes                                                                                 Effects

LXGIWYL =                                                                  Weapon Set 1, Thug's Tools
PROFESSIONALSKIT =                                              Weapon Set 2, Professional Tools
UZUMYMW =                                                               Weapon Set 3, Nutter Tools
HESOYAM =                                                                 Health, Armor, $250k
BAGUVIX =                                                                   Semi-Infinite Health
CVWKXAM =                                                                Infinite Oxygen
ANOSEONGLASS =                                                     Adrenaline Mode
FULLCLIP =                                                                  Infinite Ammo, No Reload
TURNUPTHEHEAT =                                                    Increase Wanted Level Two Stars
TURNDOWNTHEHEAT =                                            Clear Wanted Level
BTCDBCB =                                                                   Fat
BUFFMEUP =                                                                Max Muscle
KVGYZQK =                                                                 Skinny
AEZAKMI =                                                                   Never Wanted
BRINGITON =                                                               Six Star Wanted Level
WORSHIPME =                                                             Max Respect
HELLOLADIES =                                                           Max Sex Appeal
VKYPQCF =                                                                  Max Stamina
PROFESSIONALKILLER =                                           Hitman In All Weapon Stats
NATURALTALENT =                                                    Max All Vehicle Skill Stats
AIWPRTON =                                                                Spawn Rhino
OLDSPEEDDEMON =                                                  Spawn Bloodring Banger
JQNTDMH =                                                                  Spawn Rancher
VROCKPOKEY =                                                         Spawn Racecar
VPJTQWV =                                                                   Spawn Racecar
WHERESTHEFUNERAL =                                            Spawn Romero
CELEBRITYSTATUS =                                                  Spawn Stretch
TRUEGRIME =                                                               Spawn Trashmaster
RZHSUEW =                                                                   Spawn Caddy
JUMPJET =                                                                     Spawn Hydra
KGGGDKP =                                                                  Spawn Vortex Hovercraft
AIYPWZQP =                                                                 Have Parachute
ROCKETMAN =                                                             Have Jetpack
OHDUDE =                                                                     Spawn Hunter
FOURWHEELFUN =                                                      Spawn Quad
AMOMHRER =                                                               Spawn Tanker Truck
ITSALLBULL =                                                               Spawn Dozer
FLYINGTOSTUNT =                                                      Spawn Stunt Plane
MONSTERMASH =                                                        Spawn Monster
CPKTNWT =                                                                   Blow Up All Cars
WHEELSONLYPLEASE =                                              Invisible car
STICKLIKEGLUE =                                                        Perfect Handling
ZEIIVG =                                                                          All green lights
YLTEICZ =                                                                       Aggressive Drivers
LLQPFBN =                                                                     Pink traffic
IOWDLAC =                                                                    Black traffic
FLYINGFISH =                                                                Boats fly
EVERYONEISPOOR =                                                   Traffic is Cheap Cars
EVERYONEISRICH =                                                      Traffic is Fast Cars
CHITTYCHITTYBANGBANG =                                     Cars Fly
JCNRUAD =                                                                     Smash n' Boom
SPEEDFREAK =                                                              All Cars Have Nitro
BUBBLECARS =                                                              Cars Float Away When Hit
OUIQDMW =                                                                   Free Aim While Driving
GHOSTTOWN =                                                              Reduced Traffic
FVTMNBZ =                                                                    Traffic is Country Vehicles
BMTPWHR =                                                                   Country Vehicles and Peds, Get Born 2 Truck Outfit
SPEEDITUP =                                                                   Faster Gameplay
SLOWITDOWN =                                                            Slower Gameplay
AJLOJYQY =                                                                    Peds Attack Each Other, Get Golf Club
BAGOWPG =                                                                     Have a bounty on your head
FOOOXFT =                                                                     Everyone is armed
GOODBYECRUELWORLD =                                          Suicide
BLUESUEDESHOES =                                                     Elvis is Everywhere
BGLUAWML =                                                                Peds Attack You With Weapons, Rocket Launcher
LIFESABEACH=                                                              Beach Party
ONLYHOMIESALLOWED =                                         Gang Members Everywhere
BIFBUZZ =                                                                       Gangs Control the Streets
NINJATOWN =                                                              Ninja Theme
BEKKNQV =                                                                   Slut Magnet
CJPHONEHOME =                                                          Huge Bunny Hop
KANGAROO =                                                                Mega Jump
STATEOFEMERGENCY =                                             Riot Mode
CRAZYTOWN =                                                              Funhouse Theme
SJMAHPE =                                                                      Recruit Anyone (9mm)
ROCKETMAYHEM =                                                      Recruit Anyone (Rockets)
PLEASANTLYWARM =                                                  Sunny Weather
TOODAMNHOT =                                                           Very Sunny Weather
ALNSFMZO =                                                                  Overcast Weather
AUIFRVQS =                                                                    Rainy Weather
CFVFGMJ =                                                                      Foggy Weather
YSOHNUL =                                                                     Faster Clock
NIGHTPROWLER =                                                         Always Midnight
OFVIAC =                                                                         Orange Sky 21:00
SCOTTISHSUMMER =                                                     Thunderstorm
CWJXUOC =                                                                     Sandstorm

How to get facebook password without using any Software

How to Get Facebook Password hack in some easy steps : 

Way to crack Facebook is social engineering, but the problem requires almost everything is new attacker who website "what is social engineering, how to hack accounts (Facebook) him? So I decided to write this article explains what it is, my real life example.
Let's start:
Phishing is a way to hack and his social engineering, but what else? But it can give you the password. I know it can be very difficult, but once you can really make the knee of your name. Because most hackers  the actual cuts, social control on the use of all time, but he can't write their holes!
It's an easy way to guess the facebook password of the information, often used as a password for this thing:

For Example:
1. Date of birth
2. Family
3. Phone Number
4. The name of the school
5. Called smiling girlfriend
6. Favorite movies
7. Favorite band
8. Favorite hero and heroine
9. Favorite fruit! (When I was young.

Just a lot, but if you know of other people well, they work!
Another idea is to manipulate other people's in the answers to questions, safety! This is described in the example with the real world!
"The main trick is to use a trust!"
This means that confidence in the victims should be used to obtain information, believes can be a friend, colleague or employee (if you claim the man on Facebook that your password required).

Real life example:
My best friend a few months before I cut your Facebook account, unfortunately, he is a reader of my blog and know all the ways such as fraudulent sites or keyboard shortcuts for logging. So can not I get cut, every time I try failed for a long time. So social engineering. The first thing I will do is a member of Facebook, the primary e-mail address, and I am simple, your profile page. In the email, Hotmail!
So I opened the page, Hotmail password >
Safety is a friend of the "best of her children name?" It seems that it's so easy, so start by the names of all their friends, but surprised me is the name of a friend who I do not know. I started chat with him and in friendly talk i get all the information about him then i got all about that i simply go to hotmail accounts and select the option if forget password and answers that question that i asked from him .. hotmail asked me for the new password .. So i got my friendz facebook account hacked ..

Just try it let me know if its helpful or not

How to Convert text message into audio message using notepad?

How to Convert text message into audio message using notepad in your PC???

Assalam u Alikum friendz as I shared yesterday toughness and lying about how to stop your computer. Today I will share how with Notepad trick to the next big trick sound text conversion. And all these skills, just for fun, or see their hard, you will this thing continues to be well-known genius.

You can easily perform this function by adding some code in Notepad, and change the format for ".vbs" So take a look at experience, Shehroze.

Go and open the Notepad
Now, paste the following code in Notepad

Dim msg, sapi
    msg=InputBox(“Enter your text for conversion”,”My tipsandtricks13.blogspot Text-To-Audio Converter”)
    Set sapi=CreateObject(“sapi.spvoice”)
    sapi.Speak msg

Now save it in the
Do not forget to change the extension of the file name .txt to  .VBS
Now Open the file field, enter the text you want to listen to the audio

How to speed up your flash device or a pen drive in Shipping Data?

How to speed up your flash device or a pen drive in Shipping Data? Or How to formate your pen drive

Asslam u Alikum to all friend, how all ...... Sometimes, when you copy a file from your computer to a flash drive and then remains attached to him because it is a pen drive slower. Because it contains a virus, so today we have different ways to improve the speed of the shipping. Save time at the end of which you will copy the files to a portable device (flash disk), as you know.

What should you do if your pen drive file transfers are slow:

First plug the flash drive into the computer.
Now go to my computer
Right click on a flash drive
Now you need to choose the last option Properties
Now go to options on the Tools menu
Now click on the control of error checking,
Now jumps, you must select scan disk and restores
If you find any errors, and then you fix it scans your pen drive,
Now he's again after the completion of the flash disk, formats, right-click it, and then click
Click default values, make sure you Select options "quick format".
Now click on the hanging format until it says full format.
It's all Done

Now check the speed of your pen drive/flash disk

Comments Bellow if you face any problem

Facebook Farmville Cheats , Tips , Tricks and how to play

Facebook Farmville Cheats , Tips , Tricks , How to play in an easy way ?? The Best game on facebook i ever played !

This is great for Farmville Facebook tips. It was more of a nice trick, but help to harvest or plow faster. When you are ploughing, sowing, collecting · collection, you have to wait for him to go in each square in the population in the country. It will speed up things.
Plants and dig
This cheat Farmville will have a lot of XP. If you can use this trick a lot of experience many of the coins.

"The best mystery eggs"

Mystery eggs can be very valuable. When the harvest Coop has access to. It seems from reading the chances are very small that forum.

Mystery eggs, of course, is the best way to sell a chicken coop and then buy more. Every time that your chicken coop as a gift, a mysterious egg.

Will be adding more Farmville tips and tricks all the time, so be sure to take a look. It's not a scam, you say that you want to use one of the elements in the game. Don't forget to take a look at the rest of our Facebook Farmville Guide

"Make sure that you have the right makes"

Farmville crops hangs when you turn your computer on. As the cultivation of crops, have 4 hours, but not back to koster playing Farmville for 8 hours, destruction of crops, and it's not to get something back. At the same time, the cultural.

Farmville table using our culture, you must ensure that the level of plnating. Development of Farmville this site is more accurate than the other tables, you will find on the Internet for a number of reasons. You may notice that the following table is an experience points higher than the first thing in Farmville what you see. any Farmville harvesting this table displays and a good experience, because every time when you teams gets experience points. This gives a more accurate scale XP/hour.

' Using Win XP Farmville buildings and harvest faster '

Farmville buildings look good, but most of the features of the building is not added a lot of other things. Do you have coins, Farmville buildings users with some experience with running whne points on the farm. Some of the physical properties of the new buildings, Farmville.

Farmville ribbons used Win XP faster

Farmville ribbons with four phases. First, the yellow band. Second, followed by red and blue colored ribbons and white stripes. The table below shows what needs to be done to win Farmville ribbons and prices they receive.

Farmville Ribbins can help when deciding which band to try to get first.

"I know that their crops will be ready"

Its My Farm Pic for your help

When will my Farmville crops ready to harvest? It is the level of each player Farmville problem. You need to know when it's ready to harvest Farmville crops will be, or you can return to the crops wither. It is a fast maturing berries, color and other Farmville crops of fruit in particular. You can enter the percentage that all crops fell into Farmville harvest harvest time calculator is printed, we knew that we had to go back to the harvest season.

I know my Farmvelli levels

Currently some of the Farmville on 100. While playing the game, you get each time you the fields, the crops on your farm, neighbor help or commercial building or decoration teams experience points. These points accumulate, and as they do, you to a higher level. Levels as often as possible is the key to making these things. Level is not associated with farm coins and experience points. In the first 15 and the last few coins, or can it be to 6 and a very good level. This all depends on how you manage the server farm.

"Good films a day in the garden"

This is a great tip for Farmville. You can yellow, red, white and blue, "the garden" tape, get the location of a bouquet of flowers in his garden. The fastest way to win all four of the band, for garden sheds. It costs $ 142,500 coins when they are ready. I've been doing it for 5-10 minutes.

Buy a garden shed 30,000 coins on the market, with 10 bouquets.
Insert a garden shed, you will get 1000 XP. Do not share classes.
On his farm located in all 10 of the Rams.
Seller have 1500 coins.
Point 11.

"You have to do this time, 5 Blue Ribbon"

More tips from Farmville Facebook, using the menu on the left, the other parts of our website. Crops and animals Farmville tips Farmville tips. You will find Farmville tips of trees and buildings. Farmville tricks and some extra tips on Farmville song

Happy Farming : If you need any more Help just Comment Bellow

Android Application For Google Talk & Facebook Messenger

Android Application For Google Talk & Facebook Messenger Access Both of them

Connect with your friends and stay in line is that everyone was after the Android Smartphone, we have plenty of opportunity to do such as Google Android cell phone conversation is already installed and you can install Facebook Messenger would. There are many other programs, you can add multiple chat accounts in a single and manage them as NimbuzzIM +, Ebuddy, and so on. Application sharing, group chat, group chat, more social network and many others, lots of extra features. But the problem with these programs is that if you have a high end Android device and then work very well for these programs, but the mid-range devices like Galaxy or Galaxy y es in the light of these programs is slowly walking away when you switch to another chat window multiple chat window opens. Their other problem is that you want to create an account with them in the first place only so that you can access your favorite social network. On these services is that even if you have a lot of services, so that only you will be able to use some of them. GTalk and Facebook is the top of the list ... so I started to work with a second service, that looks good to chat with you, is the integrity of the list. And found and works smoothly on your Android device, it's a free service and makes it possible to do the same thing that you do with these applications. property The App is simple and fast. Add multiple accounts Gtalk and Facebook. Chat with delivery reports. Synchronous chat on multiple devices. Label Contact favorites. Offline message. If you install and use this app for the first time, and then will show a login page, where you can get access to any service that you want to, you will see the service chat list immediately, if you'd like to get more user accounts, and then clicking the top Add, and then add each account. What do you want. You can have multiple Gtalk or Facebook account, which turned out to be about which tilQuan you have individual accounts for personal and business use. There are three applications that are available, a dialog box, Favorites online and you see all your friends are all services linked in alphabetical order to avoid confusion, there are small indications that they saw online, if your friends are online services on Google talk, and then you will see the online part of the Google logo. CercaEs you can take your friends from an option from the list. Developers are also updated in the future including: free SMS credits smiley packages, chat on all the network group, the support for Windows Live Messenger and many other add services. Edited by the Office:- And from my point of view, you should try and, this is a very simple and lightweight program, it loads pretty quickly. For those who want Facebook chat client and gtlk in one place people, send by email or any delay in this suite. Tell us your opinion in the comments under this program.

How to download and use facebook application for windows?

Facebook Messenger Application For Windows?

Assalam u Alikum friendz how are you all hope u all are doing well .. first of all thanks for watching and coming on my blog . Now i have got one more app for your windows and easy way to use Facebook . Lets have a look on this app ..

Windows: Facebook has launched Facebook Messenger Windows Messenger, is now available for Windows 7.

Messengers of documented, but you can use Facebook, not on the Facebook application. While surfing the Internet, or when you use other programs on your computer, you can:

Chat and message your friends on Facebook
See what your friends are quotes the latest updates
Get quick messages, what happens

During this process, Facebook plans to software updates and the expected duration of the cuts and the uncertainty and the improvement.

Download It From here (Click on the button Facebook page opens, the first question on this page, "what is Windows Messenger", click and then click the "settings" link), downloading this program.

Tell us your opinion about this Application by Commenting Below if you are facing any problem must tell

Scanning your Wordpress Platform from viruses?

How to Scan Your Wordpress platform from Viruses???

Assalam u Alikum to all my friendz online analysis, more than 33% of the online archive of virus infection, therefore, that WordPress is a great community, because maybe some virus used skin file or plug-ins, it was all the theme many reports not only claimed the zero bit or a clone of the small, but can use without using them, but convinced, not hope to blog with hacker attacks has grown a huge WordPress user, online virus market share also increased on a daily basis so we search plug-in and theme, we improve our blog, you install all bloggers know that scanning is necessary for the good and better, so today I will tell you about WordPress plugin by your WordPress blog, you scan for viruses or malware of any kind.

Virus Scan to your WordPress blog

Scanning your WordPress blog is not as difficult as you might think. In WordPress WordPress has a plugin called antivirus software. WordPress antivirus software for your WordPress blog safe from virus, malware and misuse of security tool. Will search for themes, plugins, and so on.

Antiviral functions in WordPress

1. virus warning on Admin
2. clean after removing the add-in
3. analysis and daily e-mail alerts.
4. databases and thematic consultation.
5. WordPress 3 。 X ready: visually and technically
6. White solution: described as ' virus ' suspect cases
7. manually check the template file with warnings about suspected cases
8. Optional: Google safe browsing malware and phishing.

How you scan your antivirus software plugins blog

When you install and activate this plug-in, you can download the plugin from this place. Search template plug-ins, go to the settings page and click on the issue immediately. Wait until the scan is finished now and tell you that your theme is safe, or it can contain all types of viruses. It scans your WordPress blog virus, and now they are completely safe.
 Tell us your opinion about this plug-in By Commenting under this post

How you can send files from android phone using bluetooth

How you can send files from android phone using bluetooth??

Assalam u Alikum friendz how are you all here i can find a one more new trick for you .. Is that how to send a file from android mobile phones using blue toooth. New Android users are boring, because there is no way to easily send a file via Bluetooth to other phones. I'm telling you, that some of the simple tips Android tricks Send help moving files easily with Bluetooth technology.

First, many of the stock manager file on your Android Smartphone, there is no function send or share files via Bluetooth. You must install the ES File Explorer or Adao File Manager. Now open the file archive manager and then the selected file in file Explorer, and now, the possibility of such shares and file manager, select share and send files to Bluetooth send Adao.

If your phone is not with an Android phone is attached, you must first connect the second mobile phone to send the file, follow the

If you want to configure a network > > & Bluetooth settings
How do I activate Bluetooth
Verification of detection
Now after activating Bluetooth Scan cells
Now, select your device and connection devices
If you don't have any secret codes, enter a password and partners

Link, you can easily move files between these devices.

How to Import Contacts from one mobile to your android mobile

How to Import Contacts from one Mobile to android mobile phones ??

Assalam u Alikum Friendz .. As you know i m keep searching something new on the internet and what i find best i suggested it for my blog members .. now here's a one more best trick for your android mobiles . yesterday i buy a new cell phone so i m facing this problem .. when i came back to my home .. i find its solution here it is .. When I bought my first cell phone Android totally confused how to import contacts from your old phone to Android. Many of the processes, I found this as the best way to see it:

First, your old phone with your computer, such as the use of PC Suite, Nokia, OVI, Samsung Kies sync and then select sync Outlook contacts.
Now go into the contacts folder in Outlook and Windows export contacts to a CSV file.

Now Open your Gmail contacts and then import this file to Gmail. Import check box after the contact number, name, and so on, if everything is in order and keep all.

Now on Android phones via Wi-Fi or GPRS to synchronize the contacts in your mobile phone.

Now, when you are on a mobile phone and contacts in Gmail (online) store. Google storage, because by default, contacts, so if you add or change a contact person at the time of the next synchronization, and they want to change contacts in Gmail. This is how you import contacts into other Android phones.

Wordpress Auto plugin used to share your post auto on Google+ plus

How to Share Post On Google+ Plus Automatically , Wordpress Plugin For Your Websites ..

Assalam u Alikum to all of my blog Users We loves you :) .. Now lets talk about some work . Google + is a powerful social platform, which is very fast, and claims that more than 500 million users, Facebook is growing rapidly, and after her, in a short time was second-best for a services platform. The main reason is that it is a private enterprise, it has a powerful search engine, sharing content on Google + is very important, as it is a very powerful social network platform, to the site can contribute much derrive, traffic, Google + your website using the contact can improve. Location and other features, you can communicate with your friends.
+ 1s, was seen as Google rules in the evaluation of the site. Additionally, it is that people do not want to use the best alternative to Facebook.
Currently the only way to send Google + WordPress blog with a WordPress plugin. WPGPlus is a WordPress plugin that allows you to publish Google +. This is a free plug-in, it will help you to find your posts from your WordPress blog on your Google profile +.

WPGPlus plug-ins functionality

1. on the website will automatically share your Google + configuration file
2. it is based on PHP script to publish content.
3. in accordance with Snip.
4) Recongnises related to images.

How to use web WordPress "WPGPlus plugin"

You can download this plugin from here, go to the plugins page and click the button to install after downloading that you downloaded and then click Upload and upload the files and activate the plugin.
Manage now, go to WPGPlus and sign up using Google user name and password, you will be able to use the custom fields meta also, available on the post editor while writing a post, you can add your own message, Google + for this post.
So now you have sucsessfully to your WordPress blog with your Google profile + profile and when you will be able to publish an article, posted automatically in your Google profile + configuration files. Don't forget to tell us your opinion in the comments.

How to unlocked your android pattern code after it gets permanently locked

How to unlock your android phones Pattern lock after it gets permanently locked??

Most users of Android smartphone using the built-in locking function models of Android phones mobile phones work beautiful, it is also very easy to use. If you remember the pattern can be locked if you want like 5 times, it is not necessary to wait 30 seconds after, but what happens when you try and then your Android phone is permanently locked.

You must specify your Gmail ID and password, it appears in the game shop. Well, it's not a problem, if you have enabled data before you plug in your Android phone is locked, it is still possible. But when you are not allowed to link to the data in your Android phone, you want to do. If you are not allowed to link to the data, and even when you give your ID, and can't control it because it requires a data connection, make sure your user name and password are correct, so that now, after the passage there is nothing you can get from your page, it runs on a mobile device, and give money to get them to unlock the phone ... ... But your game today, you can unlock the phone yourself and you don't have money, so for this passossaber how to do that.

How to unlock an Android modeled after closed forever

First of all the Android device disconnect.

Now I can wait for 5 to 10 minutes.

Now press and hold the volume key and stick to it.

Now click on the Start button and suspension, very good. (Do not release the volume up key)

Now press the power button. (After your phone starts release all the keys).

Now you will see a secret menu in your phone that you have not seen probably before.

Now the up and down the up and down arrow keys to change the volume.

Here you will see a folder named delete all data from the user, such as a third option.

Use volume down keys and then proceed to  go for this option.

This will reset the phone and cheerful mode corrected.

Please note that it will fully restore your phone.

But it's OK, so some get Help.

Using this technique, you can easily access your Android phone. But it will erase all user data? "but none of the other methods, even in the case you want to go to the city center, are the same, so it is best to do it myself ... ... Tell me, if you are facing problems.   


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